Feel the power of mouse aim and joystick movement at the same time. You can finally ditch the typing machine and fully replace it with an analogue stick + 20 mappable inputs at the reach of your fingers.
Created for those who don't like gaming with keyboards, you can now enjoy true 360° analog movement just like you did on console.
Avoid learning how to game with a keyboard and make the transition from console to PC easier than ever before.
(click on icons)
True Analog Joystick
20 Mappeable Inputs
Ergonomic Design
Rechargeable Lithium Battery
True Analog Joystick
20 Mappeable Inputs
Ergonomic Design
Rechargeable Battery
True Analog Joystick
20 Mappeable Inputs
Ergonomic Design
Lithium Battery
(20+ hours)
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Hello Earthling.
Let me introduce you to my first creation... the Hex Evo.
The WASD struggle is over. Enjoy true analog joystick movement on PC while still aiming with your mouse. Feel the freedom of 360° movement just like you did on console.
Control the Game
20 Easy-to-reach Inputs
Reload, jump, crouch, interact, and perform any in-game actions with 20 easy-to-reach mappable inputs. Check out the button layout:
Tailor made for your hand and optimized for natural and unforced movement of your fingers. The tool adapts to your body, not the other way round.
Avoid Wrist Pain
No More Wrist Movement
Forget about awkward positions, long stretches, and pain on your wrist. The Hex Evo is designed so you can reach every input without moving your wrist at all. Keep your wrist in a straight, natural position at all times.
Sit Back and Relax
Your Desk is no Longer the Limit
Hold your Hex Evo on your lap, arm rest, desk, or wherever you feel most comfortable.
Joystick 360° Movement
16 mappable inputs
Ergonomic design
Lithium battery
PC and console (with XIM) compatible
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Left Hand Controller for PC Gaming
Patent Pending
True Analog Joystick
20 Mappeable Inputs
Ergonomic Design
Lithium Battery (20+ hours)
Join the waitlist and save 10% on your first Hex Evo.
The Hex Evo is a left hand controller for PC gaming. It allows you to fully replace the keyboard for an analog stick and 20 mappable inputs while still aiming with your mouse.
Created for those who don't like gaming with keyboards, you can now enjoy true 360 analog joystick movement just like you did on console.
Avoid the hassle of learning how to game with a keyboard and make the transition from console to PC easier than ever before.
The WASD struggle is over. Enjoy true analog joystick movement on PC while still aiming with your mouse. Feel the freedom of 360° movement just like you did on console.
Control the Game
20 Easy-to-Reach Inputs.
Reload, jump, crouch,interact, and perform any in-game actions with 20 easy-to-reach mappable inputs. Check out the button layout.
Tailor made for your hand and optimized for natural and unforced movement of your fingers. The tool adapts to your body, not the other way round.
Avoid Wrist Pain
Play without moving your wrist
Forget about awkward positions, long stretches, and pain on your wrist. The Hex Evo is designed so you can reach every input without moving your wrist at all. Keep your wrist in a straight, natural position at all times.
Sit Back and Relax
Your desk is no longer the limit
Hold your Hex Evo on your lap, arm rest, desk, or wherever you feel most comfortable.
True Analog Joystick
16 Mappeable Inputs
Ergonomic Design
Lithium Battery (20+ hours)
Join the waitlist and save 10% on your first Hex Evo.
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Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions?
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Hex Evo Button Layout
8 buttons = 20 inputs.
Reload, jump, crouch, interact, and perform any in-game actions with 20 easy-to-reach mappable inputs.
When pressed, the 'Shift Key' button enables a secondary action for all of the other 7 buttons (buttons 1-7), allowing 14 different inputs.
Also, pressing buttons 1+2, 3+4, and 6+7 at the same time gives three new inputs, which you can also pair with the 'Shift Key' function for yet 3 more inputs, for a total of 20.
Many any button to any in-game action that you want and fully replace the keyboard.
When pressed, the 'Shift Key' button enables a secondary action for all of the other 7 buttons (buttons 1-7), allowing 14 different inputs.
Also, pressing buttons 1+2, 3+4, and 6+7 at the same time gives three new inputs, which you can also pair with the 'Shift Key' function for yet 3 more inputs, for a total of 20.
Many any button to any in-game action that you want and fully replace the keyboard.